MARIETTA, OHIO — The recent graduates of the WSCO Respiratory Therapy Program have achieved a 100% first-time pass rate on both the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) Therapist Multiple-Choice (TMC) Examination and Clinical Simulation Examination (CSE). Given the rigorous nature of the second credentialing exam, this outstanding achievement underscores the program’s commitment to excellence and its dedication to preparing future respiratory therapists for successful careers.

“I couldn’t be more proud of the program’s current state and of our hard-working and talented students and faculty,” said Adrienne Hellinger, Director of the Respiratory Therapy Program at WSCO. “We begin the discussion early in the program about how the bar is high for our graduates because, after the program, lives are literally in their hands.”

The NBRC TMC and CSE exams are rigorous tests that assess a respiratory therapist’s knowledge and ability to apply clinical concepts in real-world scenarios. Passing these exams on the first try is a significant milestone and demonstrates a high level of proficiency and preparedness. “Though we can’t top 100% first-time pass rates for both exams, we can certainly try to maintain them! We’re always adjusting how we teach and assess our students, so every semester, we’re improving,” said Hellinger.

The respiratory therapy program at WSCO provides hands-on, active learning and tries to mimic the working and testing environments students will encounter. The program’s curriculum is designed to provide a thorough understanding of all aspects of respiratory care, including diagnostic procedures and therapeutic interventions. “We focus on teaching students to think critically and scaffold their learning in that capacity,” Hellinger explained. As students prepare for their credentialing exams throughout the program, they are continuously challenged with critical thinking, board exam-style, questions. Hellinger added, “We also use a software program that mimics the Clinical Simulation Exam and have them work with it and practice clinical simulation scenarios from the first semester in the program to the end.”

While Hellinger attributes the milestone success of 100% pass rates on the credentialing exams to continued data analysis and the dedicated faculty at WSCO, she recognizes the commitment students have to the field and how their self-evaluation has also impacted program results, “We can’t discount student effort in this conversation. No one has worked harder or wants to pass more than a student about to graduate. They are also evaluating their own weak areas, working on study strategies, and reaching out for help.”

As the respiratory therapy program continues to grow at WSCO, it’s clear the bar will remain high and continue to train students to be the best in the field. “As always, the goal is for our college’s name to carry weight alongside our students’ credentials, allowing employers to instantly associate our program with excellence,” said Hellinger.